Sunday, February 20, 2011

Worms 'n Dirt - Easy Childrens' Dessert

Jake is having his birthday party tonight and he's really not one for cake so I suggested this dessert that I haven't made in a few years. Kids love it, especially if they can partake in the preparation. It's very easy! You can also purchase the tiny terracotta plant pots from a hardware store and serve the worms 'n dirt in's looks perfect. For today, I used the small glass dessert dishes.

So this is how to make it...very complicated (not!)

1. Prepare some chocolate instant pudding and spoon it into the bowls/pots.
2. Crush up some chocolate cookies into crumb sizes so they resemble soil.
3. Sprinkle the "soil" on the top of the chocolate puddings.

4. Lastly, insert the gummy worms into the chocolate puddings.

You're done! Now eat up!

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