Monday, July 30, 2012

Jacaranda Designs Jewelry Included In Hollywood Snob Photography Fashion Shoot

I was super excited today to receive a sneak peek of a series of photos taken Sunday as part of a photo shoot by Hollywood Snob Photography. Amazing photographer, Ally, requested a loan of a number of pieces of Jacaranda Designs jewelry to use in this photo shoot.

I've only seen the one photo so far but I can see why she requested my's perfect for the whimsical, afternoon tea theme Ally created.

Head on over to Hollywood Snob Photography to see more of Ally's work. I'll also be sharing more of here photos from Sunday once they are available.

Thanks Ally!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Toronto Etsy Street Team Spring Sale This Saturday

I am taking part in the Toronto Etsy Street Team Spring Sale this Saturday from 11am to 5pm.

If you live in Toronto, why not drop by, say "hi" and see what gorgeous handmade items this team has for sale!

CLICK here for the awesome line up of vendors!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Do You Pin?

The last little while I have been enjoying using Pinterest. There are so many interesting finds and inspirational ideas. In fact, it's rather addictive and I often have to pull myself away.

Do you use Pinterest? If so, let me know your Pinterest account.

Would you like to join Pinterest? You can do so HERE.

Here is my Pinterest account...follow me if you'd like to see more of my pin choices.

Here's a sample of a few of my pin boards.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Pretty Beaded Hair Elastics

The last week, I've been adding some very pretty colors to the collection of beaded hair elastics at Jacaranda Designs.

I've also opened a second shop, Jacaranda Hair, which will only feature hair elastics and hair pins.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dirty Car Art

Using dusty car windows as his canvas, artist Scott Wade creates dramatic black and white illustrations--depicting everything from pop-culture icons to famous works of art.

Here's a few of his incredible masterpieces. See more examples of his work here.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Finally, Jacaranda Design's Own Website and a Brand New Giveaway! $50 Gift Certificate

For a long time now, I have been toying with the idea of creating a web page for Jacaranda Designs that is completely independent of Etsy. I don't like the idea of being completely reliant on Etsy. However, the thought of creating a new website and maintaining it in addition to my Etsy shop had put me off.

Finally, last week I decided to bite the bullet and go ahead.

So here it is. Jacaranda Designs has tabs that link to my new shop, BLOG, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

No, I'm NOT closing my Etsy shop. It is still operating and I will be maintaining both the Etsy shop and the independent shop.

If you have a few minutes to spare, please head on over to my new website. I'd love to hear what you think. If you have some suggestions for improvements, even better!

Anyway... To celebrate the opening of my new website, I'm having a giveaway for the whole month of July!

Guess what! Instead of giving away a specific piece of jewelry, I will be giving away a $50 gift certificate for Jacaranda Designs! Yay! You can buy whatever you like...

The lucky winner will be able to pick whatever they like with their $50. a Rafflecopter giveaway